Donors who support the Purple Heart Foundation can give of their time, money, and other donations in several ways. The foundation accepts donations of clothes and vehicles as well as monetary donations, all of which assist veterans in need. Individuals who choose to donate money have a variety of methods to do so. For example, donors can give to the foundation just by making an Amazon purchase. 

What Is AmazonSmile? 

Launched in 2013, the AmazonSmile program grants shoppers the ability to donate to a charitable organization of their choice every time they make a purchase through Amazon. With each eligible purchase, the program donates 0.5 percent of the price to the charity of the buyer’s choice. 

How Do Charities Qualify for AmazonSmile? 

To participate in AmazonSmile, charities must be established as a 501(c)(3) organization with the IRS. Additionally, the program only works with programs listed in the United States or its territories. Eligible charities must submit certain documents to gain access to the program. Moreover, AmazonSmile requires the organizations to follow a participation agreement and refuses to work with any groups that support intolerance or illegal activities, among other prohibited schemes. 

Why Use AmazonSmile? 

Once eligible, charitable organizations, like the Purple Heart Foundation, find that donations earned through AmazonSmile provide a reliable source of funds for a variety of initiatives. Customers and charities alike conveniently benefit from AmazonSmile’s program. 

Through the efforts of AmazonSmile, Amazon and its customers have raised upwards of $215 million for charitable organizations. Donations have been distributed to humanitarian groups, animal welfare organizations, and parent-teacher associations.